Stages of online store development

If you have ask yourself any of these questions, this article will be useful for you. Get ready to look behind the scenes and see the entire development process through the eyes of web specialists. You will learn what stages the work consists of and what.

List of tasks are perform at each of them.

In order to give you the opportunity to better understand the issue of the stages of creating an online store. We have record a
At this stage, the client is brief. A brief is a local business schema  questionnaire that contains questions about the client’s business and their wishes for creating an online store. Everything that specialists ne to know to get start. These are questions of both a factual nature (company name, field of activity, number of product items, etc.) and questions “to think about” (specific features of the target audience, wishes for design and functionality, etc.).

It is worth taking a very careful approach to filling out the brief and clearly formulating the answer to each point. This will help to implement the wishes for the project as accurately as possible and make the online store convenient and interesting for the target audience. And in the future – to ensure the necessary scale of sales.
When the brief is fill in and transferr to the manager, we draw up and send a commercial proposal. Taking into account all the wishes for development, a suitable CMS is select, the final cost is calculat and the deadlines for completing the work are determin. When agreement is reach on all points, we sign the contract and start working.

Stage No. 1, marketing research.

At this stage, the semantic core of the site is creat – a set of search queries by which potential customers will find the online store. Using SEO tools, specialists collect a pool of queries and select those that most accurately reflect the specifics of the


local business schema

store. Then the keywords are group by meaning. As a result, the structure of the future site begins to appear: categories, subcategories, product groups. Queries are distribut across the pages of the site and become the basis for creating content.

Marketing Analysis When Creating a Store Stages of Online Store Development

The marketing department  mitos the noble savage conducts a thorough analysis of competitors’ websites and the niche as a whole. A store concept is develop that will distinguish it from similar websites. Along with the finish structure, selling “chips” are laid at this stage: blocks with advantages, promotions and reviews; ways to capture the target audience, etc. Everything that will attract the attention of a potential client and cause a desire to make a purchase.

The result of the work at this stage is a bank email list  site structure plan, semantic basis and plann marketing “beacons”.

Stage No. 2, drawing up the technical specifications for the website design.
The basis for drawing up the technical task for design is the site structure plan and design wishes that were receiv in the brief. The finish technical task includes:



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